Chronic Thoughts

Why Does Your Chronic Illness Make You Tired?

Living with a chronic illness can be challenging, as it often brings along debilitating fatigue. This blog explores the intricate connection between chronic illnesses and fatigue. Discover the underlying factors contributing to fatigue, such as chronic inflammation, disrupted sleep patterns, medications, reduced physical activity, and nutritional deficiencies. Gain valuable tips and strategies for boosting energy levels.

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10 Ways to Pace Yourself with a Chronic Illness

As someone with a chronic illness, you may call it quits for the day once you run out of spoons, even if you didn’t do all your tasks. Sometimes, knowing the amount of energy you have to complete daily activities can be tricky, which can lead to overexertion and flare-ups. You can improve your energy management by learning how to pace yourself.

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How to Create a Flexible Routine While Managing a Chronic Illness

One of the main causes of stress for people living with a chronic illness is their conditions' uncertainties. We don’t always know when we can have an awful flare-up or if our joints are too stiff to be physically active. With this in mind, having a structured routine may not be the best option for us. Creating a flexible routine can give us time to care for ourselves while also getting work done.

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