Track your Endometriosis symptoms. All of them.
Get better insight into and control of your symptoms with our free multi-dimensional symptom tracker.
Choose from an interactive symptom tracker with custom, automated visualizations or a PDF symptom tracker that can be printed and filled in.
The Importance of Symptom Tracking
Whether you are looking to find a diagnosis or treat an existing health condition, your symptoms provide the clues that tell your story. As a patient, you are in the unique position to be the expert on what your symptoms feel like and what your body is telling you. Some symptoms are “invisible” to the outward eye. By tracking them and sharing them with your doctor, you are helping them help you get to the correct diagnosis and treatment sooner.
Tracking symptoms with the help of a tracker makes it easier to accurately and comprehensively describe them to your doctor. This gives your doctor a window into your condition, which makes it easier for them to recommend the right care. And, when you quantify and visualize your symptom data, trends and triggers may jump out that you would otherwise have a hard time of surfacing.
It is even more important to track your symptoms when they are "dynamic" (when they fluctuate significantly from day to day). This ensures you do not present to your doctor an inaccurate picture of your condition.
How To Track Symptoms Effectively
The method you employ to track symptoms matters much less than simply doing so consistently. Whatever works best for you is the best way to track your symptoms. Symptom trackers may also be called a “symptom log” or a “symptom journal”. Some ways to track symptoms include:
On paper
In a spreadsheet
With a dedicated symptom tracker app
If you are partial to paper, here is a template that you can download as a PDF and print out.
However, if you are open to using a digital tool, this has benefits. Digital symptom trackers let you quickly and effortlessly highlight trends and triggers. You can, for example, easily filter the data to hone in on just the most recent symptoms. Here is a link to a digital, multi-dimensional symptom tracker (you will need a Google account to access).
Consistency is key. If you can consistently track your symptoms, your doctor will better be able to help you get to the right treatment. Don’t be afraid to be completely honest, even if some of the symptoms that you experience may seem embarrassing. Remember that it’s highly likely that a symptom that might cause you shame is something that your doctor has seen many times before. If you’d like to learn more about how to accurately describe your symptoms, see here.
It’s also important to remember why you’re tracking your symptoms in the first place. Yes, it is in large part so that you can work with your care providers to reach and maintain the best treatment regimen for you. But it is also so that you can maintain the best possible quality of life for you. That’s why you should go beyond symptoms that are directly related to your health (e.g., pain, bowel symptoms, fatigue, etc.) and also track the impacts of those symptoms on your quality of life (e.g., sexual wellbeing, self image, social activities and daily relationships). For example, it may be the case that a symptom which looks insignificant when considered on its own becomes more important when its impact on your emotional wellbeing is also considered. Looking at your health holistically is key to symptom tracking effectively.
How To Use Our Symptom Tracker
Step 1: Click the link to copy the Symptom Tracker. Rename the file
Step 1 - Create a copy of the Symptom Tracker
If you would like a simple PDF version of the symptom tracker tool, you can download one at this link.
To create your own copy of the interactive Google Sheets version of the tool (which comes with automated data visualizations), follow this link. A page should appear with a blue “Make a copy” button. Click that button to create your own copy of the document.
Once you have successfully created your own copy of the tool:
Rename your copy by clicking on the name of the file and naming it whatever you like.
Make it as easy as possible to find and use the tool by “starring” the file. Click on the star icon in the top left of the page. Now, next time you want to use this file, you can simply go to your “Starred” folder in Google Drive and it will be there.
Move the file to wherever you want it to live in your Google Drive by clicking the icon to the right of the star icon and selecting a specific folder to place the file in.
Step 2 - Use the Symptom Tracker to track your symptoms
Open the Symptom Tracker tool (it is easiest to do this on your desktop computer) if it isn’t already open. Go to the “Main” tab.
In the first column, select the date for which you would like to track your symptoms. (If you want to track symptoms for a combined period of time - say, a month - you can input today’s date.)
In columns B through M, select the extent to which you agree with each statement in row 3 on a scale of 0 to 10 (10 = “I complete agree”, 0 = “I don’t agree at all”)
In columns O through AC, check the box of any major life changes that occurred recently or in the time period you are tracking
Step 3 - View your data
To see a visualization of your data, scroll to the right in the “Main” tab.
The first chart shows you your symptom values for a single, given date for which you recorded data. Select the date for which you would like to see data from the dropdown in cell AJ2.
The second chart shows you all symptom values that you have ever recorded.
Step 4 - Print or share your data
To print or share your data with a provider or anyone else of your choosing, navigate to the second tab in the document (the “For Sharing” tab). All of your data should appear in the chart.
You can change the colors of the lines in the chart if you would like to by double-clicking on the chart, navigating to the “Customize” section of the Chart Editor, and then navigating to the “Series” sub-section (use the dropdown there to select a line and choose the color for that line).
To print or email the contents of the tab, select “File” at the top of the page and scroll down to either “Download” (to print a PDF version of the tab) or “Email”.
Step 2: Use the Symptom Tracker to track your symptoms
Step 3: View your symptom data
Step 4: Print or share your symptom data
Want an even more robust tracker?
The Google Sheets-based symptom tracker that is linked to in the page above is helpful, but it can only go so far. To truly make the most of your symptom data, your doctor will want that data alongside the rest of your medical history and medical records. This lets them view it in the broader context of your holistic health data.
That’s why, in addition to the Google Sheets-based symptom tracker, we created an even more robust tracker. And we built it right into the Chronius platform. When you track your symptoms using the Chronius platform, your data is seamlessly integrated alongside the rest of your medical records. With one click, you can push your symptom data into your “Health Summary”. There, it will be part of your complete health story rather than sitting out alone in a separate app or file.
To gain access to this symptom tracking functionality, sign up for the Chronius platform today.