Why you Should Set an Agenda for your Doctor’s Appointment

As a patient, it can be challenging to speak up in an appointment. You may sense time pressure from short appointment times. You may be hesitant to raise uncomfortable questions. You may not know how to prioritize your concerns. 

But – with some quick preparation prior to your appointment – you can set the tone for your appointment experience and make sure you leave satisfied. It all lies in creating an agenda.

Tip #1: Know your Visit Goal

Prior to your appointment, think through what is the one thing you want to walk out of the office with. Common appointment goals include:

  • I want treatments I can implement immediately to address my most bothersome symptoms.

  • I want to be able to do ___________ activity.

  • I want a referral to a specialist.

  • I want a referral for a diagnostic test.

  • I want a diagnosis.

  • I want a long-term treatment plan for the root cause of my symptoms.

  • I want a second opinion on a diagnosis.

  • I want a second opinion on a treatment plan.

  • I want to know if we should make any changes to my existing treatment plan.

Research shows that at the start of an appointment, a patient is usually able to talk for about 11 seconds before being interrupted. Make sure you get your goal for the appointment into the conversation in those first few seconds. The entire agenda for your appointment will flow from there.

Tip #2: Prioritize your Concerns

A recent study identified factors that contributed to better doctor visit flow, these included:

  • Visit preparation by both the patient and doctor

  • High-priority items brought up by the patient at the start of the visit

  • Patients and doctors working together to set the agenda at the start of the visit

  • Other care team members participating in agenda-setting

Yet, when patients show up to appointments with a long written list of complaints, hoping to cover all of them in a single office visit, they are often greeted with exasperation by their doctor.

When thinking through your symptoms, you should prioritize your concerns by answering a singular question: If I could only choose one, which of my symptoms has the most detrimental impact on my wellbeing?

You may want to make a list of the other concerns and/or symptoms that you are having, but separate out the ones that must be immediately attended to (i.e. are significantly affecting your quality of life now), and the ones that can be postponed.

Tip #3: Have a Script Prepared to Share your Agenda

Pulling it all together, you may want to jot down a short script for yourself to bring to your visit so you can set the agenda from the start. This type of agenda-setting can help your doctor prioritize their time and it reduces the likelihood that you bring up a significant health issue at the end of an appointment. 

An Example Script:

My goal for today’s appointment is _________________.

The symptom/concern I’m experiencing that is causing me the most distress is _______________.

Other priority symptoms/concerns I’m experiencing are _____________, _____________, and ____________. 

I don’t think it needs to be attended to today, but in the future I would like to discuss _________ and __________. Do you agree?

Example in Action: 

My goal for today’s appointment is to get a treatment that I can implement immediately so that I can start exercising again.

The symptom I’m experiencing that is causing me the most distress is the intense shortness of breath I’ve been experiencing consistently with exercise. It has caused me to stop exercising entirely because it is so uncomfortable.

Other priority symptoms I’m experiencing are fast heart rate and palpitations as well as fatigue. 

I don’t think it needs to be attended to today, but in the future I would like to discuss coughing attacks that occur infrequently. Do you agree?

How Chronius Can Help

If living with chronic illness feels like a full time job, you aren’t alone. 

That’s why at Chronius, we make it easy to navigate the healthcare system as a patient. Our online care management platform brings together all of your health records and offers a 1-click appointment prep tool that easily synthesizes your health story for your care team. You also can track all of your symptoms, identify trends, learn from vetted medical information, and follow a custom patient journey map. Plus, if you needs hands on support, our Care Advocates are available to help you with any issues you may hit up against. Personalized support as you navigate your care journey is what we are all about.

Interested in learning more and signing up for our waitlist? Claim your spot today. 


What to Tell your Doctor: Sharing your Health Story