The Emotional Impact of a Chronic Illness Diagnosis: How to Navigate Your Feelings

Chronic illnesses are long-term health conditions that affect about 133 million people in the United States. Chronic illnesses can impact a person's physical and emotional well-being. The emotional impact of living with a chronic illness diagnosis can be incredibly challenging. The shock, disbelief, and sadness of a chronic illness diagnosis can be overwhelming, so it's important to find ways to cope with these emotions.

Here are some tips for dealing with the emotions that can arise from receiving a chronic illness diagnosis.

Acknowledge your emotions

Try not to ignore what you're feeling. Feeling overwhelmed, scared, or even angry after receiving a chronic illness diagnosis is completely okay. You may feel like your life has taken a complete 180 and may experience loss or grief for your pre-diagnosis life. All these feelings are normal and valid, so allow yourself to experience and express them.

Ways to express your feelings

Here are a few examples of how to express your emotions healthily:

  • Talk to a friend or family member

  • Join a support group

  • Seek counseling

  • Jot down your feelings in a journal

  • Practice mindfulness

Educate yourself about your chronic condition

Research your invisible illness, like symptoms, treatment, and potential complications, to help you better understand your condition. Educating yourself about your chronic illness can also help you make informed decisions about your care and treatment while empowering you.

There are several resources available to help you learn about your condition. Your healthcare provider may be your primary source of information, but you can also look for reputable sources of information online. However, be cautious about where you gather information to avoid unreliable sources that spread misinformation.

Connecting with others

Chronic illness can feel isolating, but you are not the only one facing challenges. Connecting with others living with similar conditions can give you support and validate your experience. For example, support groups, whether in person or online, offer a sense of community and a safe space to share your experiences with others who understand your situation.

Practice self-care

Taking care of yourself is essential for managing the emotional impact of a chronic illness. Self-care can exist in many forms, but it’s essential to do activities that bring you excitement and relaxation.

Some examples of ways to practice self-care include the following:

  • Practice gratitude

  • Catch enough Zs at night

  • Focus on positivity

  • Take part in relaxing activities, like meditation, breathing exercises, or muscle relaxation

  • Stay connected to loved ones

Exercise and healthy eating are also important aspects of practicing self-care. Regular exercise can improve your physical and mental well-being, reduce stress and anxiety, and enhance your quality of life. In addition, a healthy, balanced diet can help manage symptoms such as fatigue, joint pain, and inflammation, common chronic illness symptoms.

Building a support network

After receiving a chronic illness diagnosis, it’s best to have people you can lean on for emotional support. Your support network may include family members, friends, healthcare providers, and support groups. Let your loved ones know what you need from them- practical help, emotional support, or just someone to listen to.

Receiving a chronic illness diagnosis can be a challenging and emotional experience. It is normal to become overwhelmed with emotions of fear, sadness, and anger. While it’s okay to experience these feelings, you should have outlets to relieve your emotions. Always remember that you are not alone in this journey; resources are available to help you navigate this challenging time.

Found this blog insightful? Check out these other blogs on Chronic Thoughts: Resource Guide for People Living with Multiple Sclerosis and 8 Ways to Boost Your Immune System with a Chronic Illness.

How Chronius Can Help

If living with chronic illness feels like a full time job, you aren’t alone. 

That’s why at Chronius, we make it easy to navigate the healthcare system as a patient. Our online care management platform brings together all of your health records and offers a 1-click appointment prep tool that easily synthesizes your health story for your care team. You also can track all of your symptoms, identify trends, learn from vetted medical information, and follow a custom patient journey map. Plus, if you needs hands on support, our Care Advocates are available to help you with any issues you may hit up against. Personalized support as you navigate your care journey is what we are all about.

Interested in learning more and signing up for our waitlist? Claim your spot today. 


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