Chronic Thoughts

The Effect of Language Barriers on Chronic Illness Care for Minority Patients

Language barriers can significantly impact the quality of care that minority patients with chronic illnesses receive. Patients with limited English proficiency may be less likely to receive preventive services and have difficulty understanding their diagnoses, medications, and treatment plans. Here are some tips on overcoming language barriers and improving communication with patients.

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Healthcare Bias Guest User Healthcare Bias Guest User

The Importance of Cultural Competency in Healthcare

Healthcare providers must be culturally competent to ensure the best patient outcomes. Cultural competency involves understanding the cultural differences in healthcare beliefs, practices, and behaviors and how they can impact patient care. Here’s a look at the importance of cultural competency in healthcare and how it can improve patient outcomes.

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Women's Health, Healthcare Bias Guest User Women's Health, Healthcare Bias Guest User

Why Autoimmune Diseases are More Prevalent in Women

Autoimmune diseases affect millions worldwide, with women diagnosed more than men. While the exact reasons for this gender disparity are not fully understood, research has identified several factors contributing to the higher incidence of autoimmune diseases in women. Here’s a look at three potential reasons why autoimmune diseases are more prevalent in women.

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Women's Health, Healthcare Bias Guest User Women's Health, Healthcare Bias Guest User

Examining Healthcare Stigmas Against Women: Why Aren’t We Being Believed?

Women often face discrimination and bias when seeking medical care, leading to negative health outcomes and a lack of trust in the healthcare system. This stigma is particularly prevalent regarding conditions like endometriosis and mental health issues, where women are often dismissed as “just having period pain.” Addressing healthcare stigmas requires education, training, research, advocacy, and more.

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Women's Health, Healthcare Bias Guest User Women's Health, Healthcare Bias Guest User

Why Women Self-Report Worse Health Outcomes

If you've ever been to the doctor’s office, you’ve likely had to complete a questionnaire about the current status of your health. Unfortunately, women in the United States tend to self-report their health status as “poor” when completing their questionnaires. Here are seven reasons women’s health in the United States leads to worsened health outcomes.

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Healthcare Bias Guest User Healthcare Bias Guest User

Resources for Black Patients Living with a Chronic Illness

Although your healthcare team is providing you with care and treatment for your diagnosis, do you feel like you have everything you need to manage your chronic illness? Unfortunately, healthcare biases can affect the quality of care for Black patients, thus leading them to not be well-informed about their health and may lead to unhealthy lifestyles. Patients of color need to have resources outside of the doctor’s office that can help them navigate living with a chronic illness. Here are six resources we compiled to help Black patients living with a chronic condition.

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